姓 名:冯传启
办公电话: 027-88662747
Email: cfeng@hubu.edu.cn
1. 锂离子电池正、负极材料,电解质的合成、改性及其应用。
2. 无机纳米材料的设计及合成。
3. 精细化工产品的制备与开发。
1978.2-1982.2 武汉师范学院学习,获学士学位。
1989.9-1992.6 武汉大学化学院学习,获硕士学位。
2000.9-2003.5 武汉大学化学与分子科学学院学习,获博士学位。
2006.1-2007.1 国家公派澳大利亚Wollongong University 访问学者。
2008.8-2009.8 Wollongong University 电子与超导材料研究所访问教授。
2010.6-2011.6 Wollongong University 工程学院荣誉学者。
1. 纳米磷酸铁锂正极材料的合成,改性与应用,D20101006,湖北省教育厅重点项目,2.7万元。课题负责人。
2. 无机化学精品课程项目,3万元,课题负责人C2006007,湖北省教育厅。
3. 纳米硅复合材料的制备与电化学性能的研究,(教育部重点实验室开放基金),课题负责人。
4. 尧治河-伟德bevictor中文版新产品研发中心,校企合作合同。课题负责人。
5. 伟德bevictor中文版-锦润科技锂离子材料研发中心科技合作合同。课题负责人。
1. Chuanqi Feng , Lunfeng Huang , Zaiping Guo, Huakun Liu,Synthesis of tungsten disulfide (WS2) nanoflakes for lithium ion battery application, Electrochemistry communication, 9(2007): 119-122(SCI),影响因子:4.282 (一区)
2. C.Q. Feng, L.F. Huang, Z.P. Guo, J.Z. Wang, H.K. Liu, Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of LiY0.1V3O8, J. Power sources, 174(2007)548-551(SCI),IF: 4.283(一区)
3. C.Q. Feng, S.Y. Chew , Z.P. Guo , J.Z. Wang, H.K. Liu, An investigation of polypyrrole-LiV3O8 composite cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries, J. Power sources, 174 (2007) 1095-1097.(SCI), IF: 4.283(一区)
4. C.Q. Feng, S.Y.Wang, R. Zeng, Z.P. Guo, K. Konstantinov, H.K. Liu, Synthesis of spherical porous vanadium pentoxide and its electrochemical properties, J. Power sources, 184(2008), 485-488 (SCI), IF: 4.283(一区)
5. C. Q. Feng, L. Li, Z.P. Guo , D.Q. Shi , R. Zeng , X. J. Zhu, Synthesis and properties of Li-Ti-O Spinel (LiTi2O4), Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 478(2009) 767-770(SCI) IF:2.134
6. C. Q. Feng, J. Ma, Li Hua, R. Zeng , Z.P. Guo , Huakun Liu, Synthesis of Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2) for Lithium Ion Battery Applications, Materials Research Bulletin, 44(2009)1811-1815.(SCI) IF:2.145
7. Chuanqi Feng, Hua Li, Peng Zhang, Zaiping Guo, Huakun Liu, Synthesis and modification of non-stoichiometric spinel ( Li1.02Mn1.90Y0.02 O4-y F0.08) for Lithium ion batteries, Materials of chemistry and physics, 119(2010)82-85.(SCI)IF:2.353
8. Chuanqi Feng, Li Li, Zaiping Guo and Hua Li,Synthesis and characterization of tin dioxide/multiwall carbon nanotube composites,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 504(2010) 457-461(SCI) IF:2.134
9. Chuanqi Feng, Hua Li,Chaofeng Zhang, Zaiping Guo, Huimin Wu, Jing Tang,Synthesis and electrochemical properties of non-stoichiometric Li–Mn-spinel
(Li1.02MxMn1.95O4−yFy) for lithium ion battery application, Electrochimica Acta 61 (2012) 87– 93(二区TOP)(SCI)
10. 李丽,李国华,王石泉,冯传启(通讯联系人),磷酸钒锂正极材料的合成与性能研究,《无机化学学报》26卷(2010), 1期,126-131(SCI) IF:0.67
12. Chuanqi Feng, Jing Tang, Chaofeng Zhang, Rong Zeng, Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of TiO2/C Nano-fiber composite,NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS,2012, 4: 431- 435 (SCI).
13. Shiquan Wang, Xueya Jiang, Hao Zheng, Huimin Wu, Seung-Joo Kim, Chuanqi Feng*, Solvothermal synthesis of MoS2/carbon nanotube composites with improved electrochemical performance for lithium ion batteries, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, 2012, 4, 378-383.
14.Chuanqi Feng, Hong Gao, Chaofeng Zhang, Zaiping Guo, Huakun Liu,Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of MoO3/C nanocomposite,Electrochimica Acta 93 (2013) 101– 106
15. Hao Zheng, Chuanqi Feng, Seung-Joo Kim, Shengyu Yin, Huimin Wu, Shiquan Wang, Shengbiao Li, Synthesis and electrochemical properties of KMn8O16 nanorods for Lithium ion Batteries,Electrochimica Acta 88 (2013) 225– 230
16. Hao Zheng, Xueya Jiang, Seung-Joo Kim, Meiyu Dan, Hong Gao, Shengbiao Li, Shiquan Wang*, Chuanqi Feng*, Hydrothermal synthesis of KMn8O16 nanorods for lithium-ion battery applications, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2013, Vol. 13, 2814-2818.